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Saturday, June 30, 2007


We're turning out to be quite a well networked family! Between the five of us, we have 4 computers and laptops, all connected wirelessly. I'm using my wireless connection for the first time this past week (since I got this computer earlier this year) and it's been a real lifesaver. I've been able to do a lot of work, and do my work faster as well, since I'm working on my familiar system. I am so addicted to using tabs, that I just can't get into the rhythm of working without them. And since a lot of computers don't have IE7 or Firefox installed, using regular windows makes my work take much longer to complete.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

my dad

i hear the boys already up and playing in the bonus room. i’m in the warmth under the covers, sleepy, head all groggy. what time is it? i can’t see the clock from here, i don’t have my contacts in. ahh, just give me five more minutes. five more minutes and then i’ll get up and make the kids some breakfast. you see, …i want to be a good dad. i really do. to be one of those dads you see on family sitcoms. like bill cosby. or even the dad on 7th heaven. yeah. you know, a dad with a sense of humor. a dad with all the answers. cheerful, full of energy, tall, confidence, playful and with no problems to weight him down. no worries on his mind. no financial worries to think about. plenty of money to buy the kids all that they want from toys r us. to spoil ‘em rotten. to have all the time in the world to spend at the park on a sunny day. run around, roll around in the grass. to kick the soccer ball around with ‘em. to hang upside down on the monkey bars and enjoy the time. to not have to run off to work each morning and arrive back home when it’s late and dark. time. yeah, that’s what i need. time and money. ..time and money.. and this headache to go away. be a good dad. that’s all i want to be. that guy. that happy guy you see in the ads in those parenting magazines with the perfect smile, the perfect wife, the perfect body, the perfect house, the perfect lawn, the perfect family, the perfect life. carefree, laughing, enjoying life. that’s how it should be like. ..just give me some time .. i’ll be there… in five minutes… i’m coming boys… just give me another five minutes…

Monday, June 18, 2007

Apple Store

According to the buzz in the market place, Reliance Retail is negotiating to bring the first Apple Store to India. Apple Stores are located only in five other countries, besides the US. The company has only 160 stores in the US. Reliance Retail declined to comment on the matter and Apple denied that it would be opening stores in India as yet and that talks with Reliance were at an early stage.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


There are a lot of bike rentals, and surreys and stuff, and there was a family of 8 people on ONE bike/surrey. It had 3 seats in the backrow, 3 seats in the middle/front, and 2 seats for in the very front! It looked so neat to watch them go by, but they had trouble turning when they reached the end of the street. The father had to get out and help shift it!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


We decided to have a light dinner today, since we had a heavier lunch with Pizza. We're opting for corn on the cob fresh from the farm stand. What is this dinner costing us? It's costing us a total of $3.00 to feed two people. Not too shabby, eh? What are you having for dinner tonight?I got a great deal on steaks at the market, so tomorrow we'll be doing steak on the grill. I love a good sale!