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Saturday, June 21, 2008

love song

I had never given any preferences to Skidrow one of the very best heavy metal groups. Recently I had a chance to hear some of the songs of Skidrow and it was like falling in love in an instant. I immediately start liking bands when they cover great songs of the past. The first one that I happened to hear the song of Skidrow was the cover song of Beatles called the “We can work it out”. This one is a great song and Sabastian Bach has sung it very well. The other song which impressed me was the one called “Love song”. The melody is great and the guitar work is outstanding. Whenever I listen to songs, my primary focus is always on the guitar works and lyrics don’t play any part in a song for me. This is why this special number called “Love song” is one of the masterpieces in the love songs category.

Monday, June 09, 2008

One of the responsibilities of a songwriter is to note common human traits and invest them with special—nay, profound—importance by writing a song about them. And they are of profound importance. Otherwise, why would someone write a song about them? Q.E.D.

In this case, I had divined that people, driven by some mysterious impulse, tended to become specialized, experts in one field or another. Where did I obtain these shattering insights, you ask?

Beats me. I do sort of remember that I was myself somewhat of a “specialist” on marijuana at the time; this might explain it, among other mysteries.

I didn’t have a lot of lyrics for it, but no problem. I would “improvise” the rest, a la Jim Morrison.

Do not be alarmed by the person who apparently wanders into the session, randomly intoning the word “Four.” It’s just me, counting out the last half of the backbeat. (Most rock music uses a heavily-inflected backbeat, viz. one-TWO-three-FOUR.)

Or possibly I was imagining that I was on a golf course, shouting “Fore!” Those years are all a blur.