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Sunday, October 21, 2007

adventure sports

In foreign countries there are a lot of adventure sports and it is slowly picking up here in Nepal too. We now have Wall Climbing an artificial wall or rock climbing site in the capital. Named after the first Nepali woman to conquer Mt. Everest Passang Lamhu Sherpa this wall climbing site has been named as Passang Lamhu Wall Climbing. It is in Kathmandu in a place called Mandikhatar. Seen from a few metres away the wall it is a five to six storied building and it is also used by rock climbers and mountaineers in the form of practice sessions. Though the competition we see in the X-Games is still to be practiced here. All in all it is one of the recreational sports here in Nepal.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Need for Speed: Carbon

Are they just completely incompetent or do they just not care? I summited a query why Need for Speed: Carbon crashes more that Lindsey Lohan behind the wheel of her car and got no response. What was ironic is that I was sent a satisfaction survey by them after they failed to do anything about my query. As far as I can tell EA could give a damn about the Mac and are just popping stuff out for the platform for a laugh.

Games are getting a hammering on as well; except for the inevitable fan boys giving it a 5 to jones up the rating. My initial impressions are NFS: Carbon is a buggy mess, Battlefield has a high learning curve (no tutorial for instance) that gets dull quickly and C&C:3 (after update) is by far the best of the three.

Update: NFS: Carbon is one of the few programs that hard crashes OSX that is really some achievement.