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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Every now and then my good friends are leaving for abroad. Bidding everyone a farewell eventually will likely to leave me stranded alone. There is nothing and no one to be blamed as I consolidate myself by thinking that I am not the only one. There may be so many people who are running through the same phase that I am in right now.

Just a couple of months back a boy who was quite friendly to me was also feeling the same as me. I still remember once, when he said something when all the people he knew were leaving for abroad. What he told the person who brought news about someone leaving was "Don't you ever tell me he/she is leaving, just let me know if someone I know is dead. I don't want to hear people going abroad." I laughed so much and finally he too has left.

Monday, May 05, 2008

OK, I've got lots of stuff churning around in the old brain, but none of it is worth its own post, so here's an all-in-one brain dump.

If you're reading this Dave W., Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had fun 4-wheeling.

Marcus' Mom: Sorry you had to find out about my surgery through the blog. I told your son right after I was admitted to give you a call and let you know. He can be so darned stubborn sometimes!

I've lost almost 30 pounds from my highest weight ever. Wow, I couldn't believe it when I got on the old WiiFit today.Granted, gall bladder surgery and the resulting changes in my diet would not have been the way I would have wanted to lose weight, but I guess the universe wanted to give me a wake up call and I'm grateful. The WiiFit has made a major impact. Exercising with that thing is actually fun. Also, the new position at work has helped. I'm no longer a desk jockey and actually move around on my feet all day. It's murder on the feet, but it's good for the body. I am positive that this trend will continue since I will be able to start WiiFitting again in a couple of weeks.

Speaking of work, things in the printing industry are not going well. Magazines are folding, page counts are down and clients are looking for more economical ways to print or advertise. Rumors of impending layoffs are heard daily, it seems. One more reason I'm glad I took this new position. Not job security per se, but less of a chance of being let go that where I was before.