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Monday, August 18, 2008

The One’s acceptance rally with 75,000 bouncing, screaming, and fainting fans could easily look like a cross between a Grateful Dead concert and another era’s Teutonic rally. They have the chant (O-bam-a), they have the salute and they have the haircut. If the cult of The Chosen One has gotten out of hand, the Speech — or is it a “happening”?

Andrew says: Lets hope McCain lets loose the dogs of politics once the conventions are over. His adverts so far have been a wee bit limp to be honest.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

IE suck

So, today is the first day that I got to look at my site in that piece of crap Internet Explorer. Yeah, this is why I don't do web design for a living. My site blows in IE (a tiny apology to those of you using IE, but then again, upgrade to a real standards compliant browser and your Internet world will look so much better). Part of me says screw it. IE sucks and don't waste my time getting perfectly valid code to work in a POS browser. Another part of me wants to figure out why it's broken in IE. I'm not sure which part will win, but the battle won't be fought today. I'm going to go surf Ravelry and knit instead. So there, IE. Suck it.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

took my two younger boys to see WALL-E over the weekend. apparently so did millions of others. the movie earned over 62 million dollars at the box office. the movie had a very interesting premise where future earth is a toxic wasteland and the surviving population is off on a cruiseliner in space. Pixar’s take on rampant consumerism in our country is very poignant and I applaud them for planting a message in the young minds of today. but as the story ends with the overweight blob-like passengers of the cruiseliner returning to earth, I’m left to wonder if these people would even know how to begin life back on this planet. their whole life was spent on a cruise ship being waited on hand and foot by robots. my guess is that the majority of the passengers would soon realize the magnitude of the work involved in starting fresh on earth and just simply re-board the Axiom and head back out to space. oh, and an interesting thing to note here is the irony in the fact that the movie is being distributed by Disney, a corporation that heavily relies on consumers to spend as much as they can at their theme parks and on their vast array of merchandise. anyway, my lil’ kids give this movie a hearty thumbs-up!

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Seems like, I have been acquainted with you only a day back. It’s been almost a year and the vivid memory of me meeting you for the first time is very much lively. I know one day I will have to bid you farewell for my entire life and seeing you again for the second time will just be a ray of hope. To the worst that one day when I will be saying bye to you is approaching relatively faster than that I had ever imagined. There is no helping as I sit here confused listening to Match Box 20’s classic number “When you’re gone”. You had really been a very wonderful person in my life who had a terrible effect on me. I can’t even think of my future days when you won’t be here. I would want to see you so bad after a year and there would be no solution. Meeting a good person and departing from them to me is the worst thing and the same worst thing is to happen.
Now I am bewildered in making new friends just because I can’t have the company for my whole life. Distance matter. I always loved being a nerd and this time around I was caught off guard. Anyways having you as a friend was one of the most miraculous things in my life and I enjoyed your company to the max. Thanks for being such a wonderful person in my life. No matter what I would always remember you as a special person.