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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I get irritated each time the price of stamps goes up. It happens frequently enough that I have scads of stamps tucked away in various placed that I need to drag out and take to the post office to get matched up with penney and nickel stamps so I can use them. And, I have at least one full book of stamps I didn’t even touch that will not be enough on their own come tomowwow morning.

I’ve cut out a lot of my mailing habits. I use e-mail more than ever and I pay all of my bills online. Stamps are reserved for Christmas cards and various invitations and thank you notes. I also mail out a good deal of things using the book rate.

I do agree, at least, with the formation of the Froever Stamp. If I stock up on these and happen to find them unused at a later date, they will still be good no matter how high the price of a postage stamp may have climbed. I think that makes a lot of people feel better about the increase.


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