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Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm actually kind of laughing at myself, because it's not just my feet that feel bruised today! My poor body has been through the ringer this week. When I was getting out of my car the other day, I went to close it, and the corner point of the door swiped my leg. I ended up getting a bruise and a goose egg on my right leg the size of two silver dollars!

Yesterday, we were playing with the dogs, and Gracie, our over 100 pound moose dog jumped up to do a "group hug" thing we do with them. She gets all excited, jumps up, stands on her back legs, and her front legs, we catch. Anyway, I miss, her front paw hits my arm, and her claw leaves a trail as it scratches down my arm by mistake. It's my own fault, I wasn't quick enough this time!

Between my swollen feet, my bruised leg and my scratched arm...I'm marked up good today! Ahhh, but the show must go on! Things to do, people to see.


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