World of Warcraft
My experience of playing role playing games began and ended quite quickly when they hit computer screens as text based adventures where there were no graphics and all was left to our imagination. Even when they started to introduce graphics RPGs still held very little appeal. On the other hand when you play World of Warcraft and similar games like Everquest - that can be played online with other players - you become more and more drawn into a new world that, if you are not careful, will replace the real one.
There is incredible depth to the game even once you complete all quests and reach the final level of the game. You get more incentive to play whether you prefer playing alone or with other online players and friends, going on Epic quests or raids against territories and towns held by the opposing faction which is the case of Horde players is the Alliance faction.
In fact if anything you really must try and get to the last level of the game as soon as possible because that is when the game becomes really interesting. But to do so can really take months unless you play 24/7 and even then it can takes several days or even weeks unless you know what to do.
So what you need is a World of Warcraft Guide to show you the quickest way to reach the later and more interesting levels in the game. If you’re horde, I can’t recommend Joana’s guide enough times. I have used it twice already to reach the last levels of the game. First time was probably more slow than it says but this is because there is a lot of features in the game that personally I had to get used to as I did not play World of Warcraft before, and it does have a lot of features that you will probably take time to learn although for the purpose of the guide learning the basics is very sufficient.
Anyway with the guide I used (ie Joana’s) all you need to know is how to follow directions as well as following the co-ordinates that show you exactly where to go to complete the most worth while quests that will power level your character fast and easy. It is constructed in such a way that you won’t be left frustrated wondering where to go next or looking around mountains and plains for hours wondering where the heck is that cave you’re supposed to find in order to carry your quest out.
As mentioned earlier, you will still need to master the mechanics of the game. But the guide does also give you hot keys and further tips needed to facilitate your play. Also you can use the free guide I provide in the links below at the end of the article where you can also find reviews to other guides, including one if you prefer to play as an Alliance player which is just as good as Joana’s.
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