I know what part of my problem is with trying to get by day to day...I am on the totally wrong schedule. I had something I had to take care of last week (more about that tomorrow perhaps), so I slept in and got into work around 11:30 am. The whole day I was alert, less grumpy, didn't need as much caffeine to get through the day. I also didn't have to deal with rush hour traffic on the drive either to or from work. I wish I could get on a later schedule permanently. I mentioned it to my boss, but he's so focused on other stuff right now, I don't think it registered.See, I've always been a night owl. My mother used to say that I'd come alive and wanted to play at 10 pm. Given the chance (summer breaks, period of unemployment), my body always retreats to its natural rhythm. I like to sleep during the day and stay awake most of the night. I'm starting to wake up right now, as a matter of fact. That's why I think I stayed in pizza delivery so long. It fit my normal schedule. I also get the most creative at this time. Just a bit ago, I was actually working on my new blog design. What sucks is I have to stop because I really should've been in bed over an hour ago.Once things "normalize" at work in March or so, I'm definitely going to bring it up again. I would definitely like to be on 2nd shift.
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