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Monday, December 31, 2007

I had a very wonderful day today. Everything went my way. Today being a new year's eve all the colleagues left the office premises a bit earlier than usual. I with a couple of my friends were still in the office waiting for the meeting to start but the wait went in vain. So leaving the office seemed to be a wise decision and so I too headed home.My usual evenings start with a warm conversation in the messenger. But the new year's eve left me all alone. There was no one to talk to (on the messenger). Some of my friends had asked me to come to a place where we could celebrate new year's eve and these kinds of celebrations are what I don't like, not at all. So here I am enjoying my own time listening to some of the greatest metal songs. Today is the last day of the month so I am working hard to achieve my monthly target which I have set up.There are a lot of assignments which I have to complete which makes me a good sum of money. So my only friend right now is HM with whom I am right now. But I miss something and I really do. I don't know what? Probably my friends who are having a good time out there, or is it my online friends? However I am always fascinated by Robinson Crusoe's life so here it is and I must enjoy this loneliness as I have Slipknot, Static-X, Rob Zombie screaming in my headset.


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