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Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Good Night Sleep

That's why I'm screwed. I am probably going to keel over from hypertension and die young. That is, if diabetes or a stroke doesn't get to me first. Sounds very dismal. I know.
Here's just a check list on sleep apnea that I've been reading up on:
Daytime sleepiness - yup that's me. Halfway through the day I have to fight the urge to nap. There are even times when I napped twice in a day.
Change of metabolic function - I just can't seem to get a schedule going with my eating, work and workout habits because I just can't sleep at will. Like Lem. I envy those that can just sleep at will.
Sleep disordered breathing - Ralph Downey III, PhD, of the Sleep Disorders Center at Loma Linda University Medical Center says that in the case of patients with sleep apnea, "the airway blocks off due to obstruction and they stop breathing for 10 seconds to a minute, which is repeated hundreds of times in a night. The body, in essence, is being assaulted by the damage done from intermittent lack of oxygen to the heart, brain and other important organ systems, and yet such an assault goes unreported." I just drive Lem batty at night.


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