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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

human trafficing

Instead of doing his we’re sorry bit about slavery in the 19th century surely it would be a better idea for Blair to focus the world attention on human trafficing which CNN now considers “worse than African slavery". There is still slavery in the world in places like Africa still (see the evil White man stopping their trade in slaves didn’t end it at all) as well as the Middle East. As one might expect with such a subject its another matter of political correctness. Its hard to highlight the fact that Africans are still slavers, as they were way back when, and that Muslims/Arabs in the Middle East have never stopped slaving. I love how some in the political correct brigade like glossing over the fact that it was Africans themselves who sold other Africans into slavery. It was not the white man that went into Africa and grabbed them; it was African tribes selling them to the white man on the coast. Instead of sycophantically grovelling over the long-distant past how about paying attention to the slavery that is happening in the world right now


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